By rerouting flow around rather than through the non-operational ESP, thereby eliminating the associated restriction and resulting damage to the pump, significant improvements in production can be realized. Praxis Pump Pro Valves also immediately divert solids to the annulus when the ESP is switched off, preventing the back-flow of sand clogging the ESP stages.
When the ESP is started in a well with a Praxis PPV installed the PPV cycles its annular ports to the closed position; pump discharge pressure ensures the valve maintains this position while producing through the pump. Production flows to the tubing with the PPV mechanism preventing recirculation. When the ESP is shut down the PPV annular flow ports automatically open, preventing backspin and pump damage from sands and debris descending into the pump — the fluid column drains directly to the annulus.
- Flowing wells where an ESP is installed.
- Installed as part of the tubing mounted completion above the ESP.
- Materials to suit all well environments.
- Available in multiple configurations to suit tubing size and flow.
- Increases ESP run-life.
- Reduces scale, wear and debris build up at the pump when it is not running, by channeling flow through the annular ports.
- Increased production from flowing wells by bypassing the restriction of the ESP.
- Non-intervention operation as no control lines or wire-line intervention is required during normal operation.
- Accommodate ESP cable bypass facility.