SDM LUBE HP nontoxic biodegradable lubricant

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SDM LUBE HP is a high-performance ester blend, a nontoxic biodegradable lubricant that can be used in different types of water-based drilling fluids.

Physical Properties

  • Appearance ....................................... Yellow liquid
  • Solubility ............... Miscible with water and brine
  • Viscosity, cP @ 25°C ...................................... < 100
  • Flash Point (°C) .............................................. >100
  • Specific gravity @ 20°C ........................ 0.96 ± 0.03


LUBE PRO HP reduces torque and drag, lowers the differential sticking & improves the rate of penetration in freshwater, salt water-based drilling fluids. The product does not produce sheen or grease out at higher pH and is stable up to a temperature greater than 300° F.

It is typically used at 0.50% -3.0%, depending on the mud system.

Presentation / Packaging

SDM LUBE HP is packaged in 55-gal (208-L) drums.

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