SwelLCM is a polymerized swelling agent that forms a unique super absorbent low shear rate (LSRV) viscous fluid, which can absorb water and swell to more than 50 times its original size, which has been used successfully around the world to the treatment of massive losses.
Physical properties
- Appearance..............................................White Powder
- Ph (1% solution) ……………….................6.5 - 7.5
- Specific gravity (g / mL)…………...........1.52
Created to be pumped before EZ Squeeze® or Cement in areas of extreme loss of circulation.
Forcing in cased holes to seal punctures or leaks.
Remediation of open holes and prevention of lost circulation during drilling operations.
Vital to stop losses in cavernous formations, which would normally require cement or plug and abandonment.
Available in 10lbs plastic pails, 64 pails/pallet.